
舉辦畢業生招聘日原來可以危機四伏? UC.NOW Job Board讓你「全面監察」、「全權管理」
有見各大院校近年致力鼓勵學生「北望祖國」來探索職場上更遠大寬廣的發展機會,把握「北上南下人才流動」大趨勢,WiseSpot教育方案組今年為香港大專院校畢業生策劃GBA Career Month網上求職月秋季版。堪稱大專院校實體招聘會的「最佳拍檔」, 由2024年9月24日至11月30日舉行的秋季版本,時間上正是與個別院校的實體活動同步舉行。 參與院校學生可登入UC.NOW Job Board平台,瀏覽並申請大灣區內超過60家企業所提供的1,400+空缺。當中更有多間國內企業特意派員來港親臨校院,參與實體招聘日,吸引不少學生查詢。
是次GBA Career Month獲香港中文大學、香港理工大學及旗下專業進修學院 SPEED,及香港高等教育科技學院等多間知名學府參與,讓超過5萬名學生能夠隨時瀏覽空缺及申請。既然接觸面如此龐大,要為各參與院校做好「保障學校聲譽」及「保護學生私隱」,利用UC.NOW Job Board所提供的Employer Verification 僱主驗證步驟 及Job Approval 招聘職位審核機制是團隊的不二之選。
Choose Efficiency、Choose Control
舉辦「招聘日」只是學生事務處眾多工作的其中一件,所以UC.NOW Job Board平台為僱主及學生提供各種自助功能,旨在為大專院校人員減低非必要的人手操作,避免「忙中有錯」。
Employer Verification 僱主驗證
試想一下,由院校主辦的招聘活動卻因人手核實出錯,讓沒有合法經營資格的「偽僱主」矇混過關,甚至連累學生因而誤墮求職陷阱,這將會是何等嚴重的「把關不嚴」。為避免此等情況發生,UC.NOW Job Board嚴密的Employer Verification僱主驗證步驟,除了能夠確保所有僱主均有上載有效商業登記外,在流程設計上亦可以確保每家企業僱主所提供的空缺均已獲校方人員完成審核後,才會被學生瀏覽得到。
Job Approval 招聘職位審核
Employer Activity Tracking 實時僱主操作追蹤
另外一個危機在於資料維護方面,私隱專員公署早前審視了13個網上招聘平台、超過20,000則招聘廣告,發現當中有23則匿名廣告目的是收集求職者個人資料包括身份證、聯絡方式及履歷等,更有可能被用作詐騙用途。有見資料私隱安全問題越趨嚴峻,UC.NOW Job Board已預設學生履歷只會被派送至已驗證的僱主企業,而學生個人資料亦只會在得到其同意下才顯示給僱主參考。其次當中所牽涉的所有數據均在香港本地加密儲存,亦保證不會用作AI模型訓練(Model Training)。
總括而言在當今科技發達的社會裡,各大專院校舉辦招聘活動時,應更主動利用數位解決方案來簡化瑣碎的行政工作流程,也有助確保各方資料安全。歡迎聯絡我們以獲取UC.NOW Job Board相關資訊。
歡迎聯絡我們以獲取 Online GBA Career Month 及 UC.NOW Job Board相關資訊。
Organizing Career Fairs can be fraught with potential crises? UC.NOW Job Board allows you to “Fully Supervise & Manage”
Last month, news reported a mind-blowing incident at the Yunnan University of Finance and Economics in Mainland China, where a graduate career fair featured a job posting for “Massage Technicians.” The incident has aroused heated discussions among the mainland and Hong Kong, although the university has acknowledged its oversight, yet, as a key provincial university, it likely endured significant impact to its reputation. While the incident may sound comical, in reality, higher-ed institutions and their student affairs officers (SAO) are often faced with the challenging tasks in organizing impactful career events that cater to the entire student body, among loads of other duties they already have. Given that having a diverse range of employers participating is advantageous for students, simply juggling coordination of the different participants in the event, and ensuring that the event takes place as scheduled, already requires SAO staff to all be masterful supertaskers. Human resources are always limited, so leveraging advanced technologies to prevent human errors is inevitable nowadays.
In recent years, university students have been encouraged to explore broader career opportunities towards Mainland China. Offered as a “Best Partner” solution to complement Hong Kong Tertiary Education’s physical career fairs, this year, WiseSpot’s educational program division curated the fall edition of our Online GBA Career Month for Hong Kong students. Running from September 24 to November 30, 2024 and timed to coincide with some institutions’ physical career fair, the event has attracted participation from institutions such as The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and its School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED), and The Hong Kong Institute of Higher Education, allowing over 50,000 students to browse and apply anytime for over 1,400 vacancies offered by more than 60 companies within the Greater Bay Area. Several mainland companies have even dispatched representatives to Hong Kong for in-person interaction with candidates which has drawn considerable interest from students.
With such a vast reach, “safeguarding school’s reputation” and “protecting student privacy” are of utmost priority. UC.NOW Job Board, on which our Online GBA Career Month is hosted, features “super admin” tools including Employer Verification and Job Approval, both designed to let SAO staff manage these key activities securely and effortlessly.
Choose Efficiency, Choose Control
Hosting a career event is just one of the many tasks of the SAO, therefore the UC.NOW Job Board platform offers various self-service features for employers and students, aiming to reduce unnecessary manual operations from the SAO and prevent human errors.
Employer Verification
Imagine a career event organized by an institution fails in employer verification, allowing “fake employers” to slip through, which may potentially lead students into traps, how serious can the consequence be? To prevent, a rigorous Employer Verification process of UC.NOW Job Board ensures all employers have uploaded their valid business registrations. Moreover, all vacancies posted by each employer must undergo scrutiny by SAO before students can access them.
Job Approval
To safeguard students from job vacancies that may be deemed not suitable, Job Board can cater for vetting of all posted job posts by SAO staff prior to being made available to students to consider and apply. In addition, the school can even choose the option where all “Approved vacancies cannot be amended” without SAO clearance. Considering the need for physical display of job vacancies during an in-person event, Job Board can support the output of approved jobs onto a template defined by the organizers for employers to display at the venue. This will make for easier visual monitoring of any job positions that the organizers were not aware of.
Employer Activity Tracking
All employer and job position data, along with every action taken after each login, are recorded automatically in the platform’s backend. University staff can access and review these records at any time, ensuring comprehensive supervision and full control over the entire recruitment process.
Another crisis lies in data protection and maintenance. The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data recently reviewed 13 online recruitment platforms and over 20,000 job postings and discovered 23 anonymous ads to collect job seekers’ personal information, including ID numbers, contact details, and resumes, potentially for fraudulent purposes. Recognizing the increasingly severe data privacy issues, UC.NOW Job Board has as default setting to only send student resumes to verified employers if the application is made on platform. Moreover, students’ personal information will only be disclosed to employers with the owner’s consent. Furthermore, all data involved is encrypted and stored locally in Hong Kong, guaranteeing it will not be used for AI model training.
In today’s technologically advanced society, higher education institutions should proactively leverage digital solutions to streamline administrative processes and ensure data security during career events. Feel free to contact us for more information on UC.NOW Job Board.
Feel free to contact us for more information about Online Career Month & the UC.NOW Job Board